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Old 03-07-2005, 06:26 PM
moondogg moondogg is offline
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Default Re: Explain to me now how to do the Datamining!

Certainly. But when I'm not actually dealt into the hand the HH doesn't appear in my HH folder.

[/ QUOTE ]

(Not at my poker PC right now, so going from memory...)

The HH for observed hands do not appear in your HH folder. In other words, they would not appear in C:\Program Files\Party Poker\HandHistories\LondonBroil. They appear in the root of the program folder (C:\Program Files\Party Poker), and have the format [tablename].hhf or something like that.

They only appear when you have the table open. When you close a table, these files are deleted.

If you setup PT to look in your own HH folder, I'm pretty sure it's smart enough to also see the observed hands in the root folder.

So, open Party, open a table, and look in the root folder, you should see the observed hands show up there. Then, run a PT autoimport while that table is still open.

Also, on the PT autoimport screen, there is a button for changing the settings specifically for observed hands. I forget exactly what settings are there, but try mucking with them if it still doesn't work.
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