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Old 03-07-2005, 11:04 AM
daryn daryn is offline
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Default the bruiser and eugene are both idiots.

i'm an idiot too because i'm staying with these losers for some reason. never again. how didn't i get my own place? this is what i get for trying to be nice.

first of all, bruiser stinks. i mean his odor is pungent. he is disgusting. he hasn't brushed his teeth in god knows how long. i came straight out and asked him, when was the last time you brushed your teeth, and he would not answer me but just kept laughing. he also has massive BO and his clothes have not been washed in some time. he has a ton of dirty stinking clothes and the odor is actually sickening. i made it clear that i will not be sleeping in the same room as those clothes, so either he will get them cleaned today, or i will throw them out the window, and i'm not joking.

ok, now here's why eugene is stupid. we get in the room and everyone wants to use their electronic devices. i am smart, so of course i brought a transformer to step down the european voltage. they are idiots, so they did not. they went down to the front desk and got some adapters, but not transformers. just little pieces of plastic that let you plug into the wall and plug your american device in. anyway, as soon as i saw these, i gave a quick 5 minute physics lesson on why it would be extremely bad to plug their devices into these things without the use of a transformer. i explained the whole situation pretty well.

so five minutes later, i hear a couple of snap crackle pops, and smell ozone. eugene blew up his ipod speaker thingy trying to plug it in. awesome. of course they both start laughing like idiots even though they blew a fuse and the power is out, and eugene's device will likely never function again, but still they just sit here giggling like retarded schoolgirls.

i hate people.
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