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Old 03-06-2005, 03:56 AM
ZeroMan ZeroMan is offline
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Posts: 29
Default Re: Ideas needed - 1st hour of rebuy tournament @ LAG table without cards?

what do you mean by LAG? is that 'loose aggressive'? anyway i know what you mean, every one wants a piece of the cake, and you start lowering your requirements to call, yes you would like to isolate the LAG,,,, i dont like overcalling in this situation, unless you have a cinch hand. because your likely up against a range of hands that your likely to lose, i mean if its 4 way i wouldnt like to call with AKs, although it depends entirely on how you perceive the others are reacting to the LAGer and what hands there likely to have, depending on that it would be correct and your getting good odds,,, depends if a tight player has just called,,,,,ex,,
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