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Old 03-04-2005, 03:31 AM
fishfeet fishfeet is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 2
Default Re: TILT is not for you

I really feel that all this 'hate' for the show is because everyone on this site feels 'superior' in their poker.

Its a TV show. Its entertainment.
How do you feel doctors feel watching ER or similar shows? Or police detectives watching CSI.... lawyers watching The Practice/Law and Order.... ect.ect...
Im sure those shows arent 100% accurate, and many of the things they say are pretty retarded. But you and I dont know that because we dont know how it is really done.
So of course everyone here will be a little more judgemental when watching Tilt.

And at first, I thought the same as all of you did. The first few episodes were bad... but the story hadnt totally unfolded yet...

as the show has continued I have started to like it more. Interesting plot so far, in my opinion. As entertainment, that is... not trying to duplicate real life.
If they wanted to duplicate real life it would be BORING.

Do you think Eddie would tag his daughter twice since he took that beating? Do you think she would still stick around?
Im sorry, in the real world, that wouldnt happen.
But the show, like ALL SHOWS today, needs a little T&A for ratings. So he stays and gets and 'early birthday'

While this is far from my favorite show ever... im entertained and will continue to watch.
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