Thread: FPS Passport
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Old 03-03-2005, 09:08 PM
jasonHoldEm jasonHoldEm is offline
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Default Re: FPS Passport

Epassporte is a virtual visa. Basically the "real world" reason you use it is to protect your (real) credit card number from being stolen online. You can also set it up under an alias (the virtual card that is) to protect your identity.

It works like this: When you sign up for an account you register a (real world) credit card with them and load your virutal card with $XXX funds which are charged to your card. There is a fee for this, I don't remember how much but it's sorta steep.

So now you have $XXX - fee balance on your virutal card. You can go shopping with this at amazon or whatever if you are so inclined. Similar to neteller, epassporte also allows transfers between accounts and for Party and skins you can deposit using your epassporte account (you enter your account name, not the virutal visa numbers). You have to deposit to one of the skins before you can withdraw money back out. So you have to eat the initial load fee can then bonus whore the epassporte bonus (EPASS I think) at all the skins and more than cover your costs.

I mainly use mine for online shopping (you just have a string of numbers not an actual card so you can't go down to the local wal-mart and buy something). Most major sites will accept the virtual card online; however, some reject the card because it is foreign (epassporte is linked to a bank somewhere in the carribean I believe). I don't recomend getting the physical card that is linked to your account because it is an electron card and you'll have a very hard time finding anyone in the real world who accepts it (do your homework first before you spend the money)...I have no idea how well it works for ATM's etc but I have heard a lot of grumbling concerning attempting to use the physical electron card at stores and having it be rejected.

I do recommend getting it for the EPASS bonuses and the virtual visa number you can use online...also as was already mentioned it makes cashing out from intertops poker a little easier (cashout to your epassporte account and then move that back to another party skin...obviously if you want to move the money to somewhere else like stars you'd have to go through neteller).

Hope this helps,
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