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Old 03-02-2005, 10:03 PM
Zeno Zeno is offline
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Default Re: Mindless at Hollywood Park

I'll probably get the Ruger Mini-30 (larger magazines easily available) Rifle

This is an excellent model firearm with enough knockdown power for most things encounter in day-to-day life and it takes standard NATO ammo. Thus making it a wise choice for the tactical and combat minded in addition to being a top-notch gun for all around situations: gaming, protection from government goons, defense against the criminal element (I'm repeating myself somewhat on that one), tactical assault uses, home and national security options in case of take over or invasion by tyrants or religious fanatics, (homegrown or otherwise) and/or power-hungry Chinese warlords, not to mention South American drug Kingpins and the La Costa Nostra.

I apologize if I have inadvertently left out any groups, peoples, or nations. Rest assured, I have a grudge against them all.

Peace is at hand. - Richard Nixon

Enough said, methinks.

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