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Old 03-02-2005, 07:16 AM
grandgnu grandgnu is offline
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Location: Pokah Is Nice, I Love Play Pokah (Chau Giang quote) Location: Massachusetts
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Default Re: why do people deride those 11.5 g clay \"dice\" chips?

I too am a dice chip owner (notice I didn't say a "proud" one)

The dice chips are 14 cents apiece, while the real chips usually run 95 cents or more per chip. Since I have a set of 1,500 total chips, it was much better on my budget to go the cheaper route.

I have custom labels on my chips as well, which saved me some money vs. hot-stamping them.

I would LOVE to get custom clays (not a big fan of ceramics) with the logo from my home game on them. But I'll need to win a lot of money to accomplish that.

Thus far I'm up $265 this year (only hold a couple of tourneys per month) and that doesn't even cover the custom-built poker table I got (well-crafted, seats ten, racetrack style with cup holders)

I'd rather have a nice playing surface and sacrifice the chips a bit.

So far I've tried out samples of the following chips:

Chipco Crystal Oysters (hated them)

TR Kings (didn't much care for them either)

Modern Clays from (love the feel of them, but hate the insert graphics, I'd want something more custom)
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