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Old 02-28-2005, 11:59 AM
Absolution Absolution is offline
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 39
Default Re: The biggest leak ?

Well, the average micro player probably makes all those mistakes postflop, but their biggest leaks come preflop by far. They make preflop mistakes almost every hand they enter and they are very costly.

For the 2+2er the mistakes come postflop (and I'm talking in general here). Going with Eds criteria (most often + most costly) from smallest leak to biggest:

- Folding the best hand on the river in a big pot. I would hope we wouldn't get this fundamental wrong enough of the time to make it even a micro leak. This is certainly costly, but not made often enough.

- Slowplaying. Despite the recent increase in posts regarding this subject, I think most of us handle this situation well enough. It really doesn't come up often enough in mciro and certainly isn't costly to the 2+2er.

- Misplaying overcards certainly is not a big leak for 2+2ers. As Ed pointed out, these cards are just too good to be our biggest leak - not costly enough to be a big leak.

- Going too far with marginal hands when the pot is small. This could be a medium leak for some here, but you could probably argue that it doesn't happen very often in micro levels.

- Not protecting hands in big pots. I think this is the most OBVIOUS difficult situation for us. It is a tricky subject with a lot of subtlety and it comes up quite often.

- Misplaying draws. I'm surprised nobody has mentioned this yet. I think this is a much larger leak than most 2+2ers would like to admit. I think a lot of us don't count ALL of our outs PROPERLY, which often leads us to make mistakes like fishing for a reason to call or not raising for value. This leads to a lot of the other mistakes mentioned as well. I think a lot of people gloss over that section of SSH thinking they know the math and outs are easy to count. A lot of posts seem to indicate otherwise. Marginal outs situations come up very often and cost a lot in the long run.
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