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Old 02-26-2005, 06:39 PM
fishfeet fishfeet is offline
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Default Re: Keeping a Poker Face

Here are a few things I try to do during a live game.

For me, Im a very high energy person most of the time... I move a lot, I play with chips, I talk.... thats jut my nature.
I make every attempt to be this way all the time. In a hand or not. I make sure I stick to my "list" of things that I do, and make a consious effort not to do anything else.
This helps keep them guessing on my body language.

Some people arent this way though. They might be a social person when not in a hand, but during a hand they sit there cold as ice and dont move unless they are putting chips in the pot.
I dont like this however, because if you do have a tell it will be more noticable because you arent moving.
Since Im always moving and doing various thing at all times, if I happen to do something out of the ordinary it should be a lot harder to pick up on.

As for betting tells, I always try to bet the same way. Think for a particular amount of time, grab my chips the same way, place them into the pot the same way, and put my hands back to my stack the same way. Just keep focused on doing everything the same way.
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