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Old 02-25-2005, 07:03 PM
ZebraAss ZebraAss is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 602
Default Am I being Unorthodox?

I just recently started playing poker with and they are pretty cool. My first set of friends in college are getting old. They are boring, don’t do their homework(bad influence) and are fags.

Over the past two nights i have won 38 bucks off these guys in a 5 buck buy in game. I act like i dont care about the money when i win. Giving out poker tips and being very nice to everyone. At the end of the game when there are about only 3 or 4 people left I usually give out a few bucks to some of the kids sitting there watching so they can play. LOL, they win a few small pots off the other big stacks and I always clean them out by the end of the night giving me a huge return on my investment.


I mean I don’t want to take their money... There is one seriously obnoxious kid that hasn’t played for 2 weeks because he is addicted( I would take ever cent he has because he is stupid and ties to give others tips while they play)

Whats the move?
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