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Old 02-25-2005, 06:27 PM
toots toots is offline
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Default Re: So my friend wants to start playing online...

You know, sometimes having someone read SSH just gives them ammunition to rationalize their bad play.

I just gave SSH to a friend. She's very good at using all that terminology to rationalize (to herself) to play crap hands. She uses all the terms and ideas, but completely misinterprets them, finding outs where there are none, and thinking 10:1 pot odds are good enough for a 24:1 draw.

What she refers to as "super tight" (VP$IP around 25) is what most of us would call "loose." And, sure enough, every time she makes a good fold that would have hit, she sees this as a reason why she shouldn't be playing so "super tight."

Just feed rope, and make sure you're at the other end of the table catching the chips. That's about all you can do.
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