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Old 02-24-2005, 03:56 PM
BusterStacks BusterStacks is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 7
Default Re: n00b processor question. Yes, I\'m a huge n00b.

He is talking about SLI which is basically combining the performance of two video cards. Don't worry about this, it is way overkill for your application. Also, the Athlong 64 does not respond extremely well to overclocking, but you may be able to get a slight gain. If you are looking for gains to be had by a 64-bit chip over a 32-bit one, you aren't going to find much. Even the 64-bit windows is just kind of "meh" at this point and doesn't really do anything.

In terms of processing power, yes any Athlon 64 is gonna pwn a p4 1.8, but in practice, I can't really think of a situation where you would notice it. The processor is not a bottleneck in currect systems. If you are buying a new computer for various reaons though, yeah this is a good chip.
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