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Old 02-24-2005, 02:46 PM
Al_Capone_Junior Al_Capone_Junior is offline
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Default do your math please

With SINGLE odds on the pass or come, the house edge is about 0.8%. Since I usually take triple or even 5x odds (there is NO vig on the odds bet) the overall advantage for the house per decision made is less than 0.5% OF THE PASS OR COME AMOUNT ONLY. Since I'm only betting $2 on pass and come, that's about half a penny per decision. And... it's a relatively slow game. I think I can afford that, given the rather high paying job I hold.

So let's review... For my half penny per decision, I get:

1. a good time
2. a few decent comps
3. beer

Not bad at all.

BTW, you should review what exactly the criteria for GA is before you conclude that I should be enrolled in it. I've taken their test before and I don't qualify.

Somehow I knew if I posted this story there would be some nit who doesn't know how to have a good time say something ignorant like you did. I suggest you lighten up and try living it up now and then, life's more fun that way.

I suggest you put $2 on the pass line sometime, then take triple odds, just so you can realize that money isn't everything. I'll send you the half-penny to cover your theoretical loss (so you don't have a heart attack and die because you made a -EV bet).

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