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Old 02-24-2005, 01:12 PM
Al Schoonmaker Al Schoonmaker is offline
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Default Re: Why Alan\'s Article Sucked

I most definitely did not state that eating chicken soup kills people. It is relying on it or any other all purpose cure that prevents them from getting prompt, appropriate health that kills them.

Ask any internist how many of his patients have failed to get prompt treatment because they were taking some all purpose cure. You will be shocked by their answers.

With many illnesses the major issue is time. For example, most forms of cancer can be treated successfully if you start soon enough. Wait too long, and you're dead no matter what treatment you get.

Businesses most definitely do NOT try to maximize profits. In addition, it is absurd to separate people from businesses. All business decisions are made by people, and they most definitely do not try to maximize their profits. Herbert Simon won the Nobel Prize in Economics for destroying that myth.

Although I disagree with you, I'm glad you contributed to the ongoing debate.


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