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Old 02-23-2005, 04:33 PM
Bulldog Bulldog is offline
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Default Re: Is There a Bigger Jackass Than Barry Bonds?

"Is there a better baseball player than Barry Bonds?".....

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which barry, juice or no juice?

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Other than Babe Ruth, I think the answer is "no" either way.

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Because the Babe could pitch, too, I'd say he is the best baseball PLAYER ever. Barry is the best HITTER ever. Of course, the Babe only competed against whites, so we'll never really know, huh?

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and of course theres been so many great black pitchers during bonds' career

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There have been many, many great non-white pitchers in Bonds's career.

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ok, ill open myself up here, name 5 GREAT non white pitchers in the nl during his career

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I will. But first let us also consider that the entire pool of players from which to select the top 700 or so is far larger, even proportionally, than the pool of players that Ruth's 250 peers were selected from. So aside from the pitchers, there are tall first basemen, speedy middle infielders, and extra-base hit-robbing outfielders that Ruth didn't have to contend with. And Ruth only had to learn how to hit against what, 40-60 pitchers a year instead of 200+ that Barry might face.

Having said that, here is the requested list:

Pedro Martinez
Dwight Gooden
Fernando Valenzuela
Lee Smith
Dennis Martinez

I'll concede that it's not the most impressive list, but let's put it up against the five best non-white pictures from the American League, 1914-1935...

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doesnt matter, the point is that bonds isnt facing anything scary just because non whites are allowed to play
lee smith? dennis martinez? cmon

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Don't dismiss Lee Smith.

But besides that, it's unfair to only list the BEST non-white pitchers Bonds has faced. For EVERY non-white pitcher in the league, if non-whites were banned, there would be a white pitcher of lesser talent in his place. It's not that the best pitchers faced were better or worse. It's that, ON THE WHOLE, Bonds faced better pitchers than Ruth.
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