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Old 02-23-2005, 04:30 PM
Jack of Arcades Jack of Arcades is offline
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Default Re: Is There a Bigger Jackass Than Barry Bonds?

He said he doesn't see how Steroids would physically help someone hit the ball. IE, hand-eye coordination.

If you look at the statistics, Barry's HR numbers are pretty-consistent 1996-on, with a slight jump in 2000, a spike in 2001, and then his HRs return to 2000 levels.

Bonds's HR increase comes at the same time as his walk increase.

"Well, duh, Jack. No one's pitching to him."

Well, not exactly. Bonds has amazing eyesight and pitch recognition, as well as a very short and compact swing that allow him a slightly longer window than most to decide where the pitch will end up. If it's to his liking, he can unleash hell on a baseball.

Maybe steroids help shorten his swing. I dunno. It wouldn't surprise me. But you misquoted him, he mentioned hand-eye coordination - the actual physical act of coming into contact with the baseball. Bonds has an amazing ability to do that - along with Gary Sheffield and Albert Pujols - because he strikes out rarely.

Whatever. Bonds is an amazing player, just look at his 1992 season. Better than Albert's ever done, that's for sure.
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