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Old 02-23-2005, 02:56 PM
Toro Toro is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: Massachusetts
Posts: 367
Default Re: bonds to have another surgery

I thought you were going to say "surgery to remove foot from mouth". The more I think about it the less the steroids bother me since as another poster pointed out that they were'nt even illegal.

But I think he puts his foot in mouth when he plays the "race" card. He points out that Babe Ruth was white (although ironically some people have speculated that he may have been part Negro) and that he, Barry is black and then says "and you know, blacks got it little tougher than whites".

Give me a break! Sure, it can be argued that blacks in general got it tougher than whites in this country but not Barry Bonds for crying out loud. His father was a star MLB player who presumably made plenty of dough. Willie Mays was his godfather for crying out loud. How tough could have life been for poor little Barry growing up as a kid, going to Major league clubhouses and being treated like royalty.

This guy needs to give it a rest.
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