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Old 02-23-2005, 12:04 AM
gaming_mouse gaming_mouse is offline
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Default More Complex Birthday Problem

Inspired by this post in OOT.

We ask random people for their birthday, and we want to know how long it will be before we get a representative for every day of the year. Obviously the minimum required is 365 people, but what is the distribution of the waiting time till we get a person for every bday?

I was thinking about it like this... number every day in the year 1,2,... 365. So the problem can be reduced to generating random numbers between 1 and 365. After asking N people their birthday (or generating N random numbers), the chance that a particular birthday (say Jan 1) has not yet been found is:


Letting E1 = event that birthday 1 is not yet found
E2 = same for bday 2

The chance that we have not completed the full bday spectrum after N should be:

P(E1 or E2 or E3... or E365)

We should then be able to use inclusion-exlcusion. However, there must be an error in my thinking b/c I get

365*(364/365)^N - (365 choose 2)*(363/365)^N

for the first 2 terms, which gives you a negative number for N=400. What's wrong with this approach? What a better way to do it?

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