Thread: O8 hand review
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Old 02-20-2005, 09:04 PM
Moneyline Moneyline is offline
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Default Re: O8 hand review

Pre flop: I would frequently raise in this spot, especially so if I don't respect my opponents. This hand has great scoop potential so I wouldn't mind getting money in early, even if I don't have a backup low.

Flop: Great flop... You have more than just a gutshot, you have a wrap, and every straight you make will be the nuts. You have 13 nut straight outs (for the whole pot), a backdoor nut flush draw, and a backdoor nut low draw. I would bet here. It's not a big deal if the pot gets raised behind you, because you have so many outs that your pot equity likely outweighs the number of players in the pot. However, I would not jam the pot for value because, despite your equity, one of the raisers might be drawing to some of the same straight outs as you are.

Turn: Bet for value. By my count, there are only 15 possible river cards that could hurt you (the 12 cards that pair the boardand the other 3 deuces)... and you may even win if one of these hits if you make a flush and no one has a full house. I don't like check/raising here unless you know a bet is likely coming from your immediate left. If the bet comes from the right and you raise, you'll likely drive people out of the pot who you want to stay in. Even worse is the situation that happened, when it gets checked around you don't collect any bets when you are in a commanding position.

River: This is a tricky situation to play, IMO... and I think you played it nicely as you seem to have a good handle on your opponents. IMO the river decision is by far the most difficult of the hand, and I'm not exactly sure which is the best way to handle it on most occasions.
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