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Old 02-18-2005, 03:13 AM
Zeno Zeno is offline
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Default Best Jam in the world

Not Guitar Jam. Jam, the best spread on toast in the world and great in the morning. But I also like jam and toast for a snack at night.

I have six jars of wild Huckleberry Jam from the Oregon Coast. Homemade jam by my sister, a Christmas gift, and hand picked from our favorite place near the ocean. The jars of jam are worth about $1,000 each. I plan on taking them into a no-limit game and using them for cash chips.

Anyway, also from Oregon, I have Blackberry jam, homemade but by Mom. Christmas gift. Giving homemade jam is a Tradition in my family. The blackberries are the early kind that come out in June and grow in shady places, creepy vines that crawl along the ground and along old logs etc. Small berries but the very best tasting in the entire universe. They also make the most superb pie in the cosmos. You would sell your soul to the devil for a single bite. It's that good.

The red type huckleberries also make superb pie.

All sorts of berries are all around this crazy globe.

Others favorties?

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