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Old 02-17-2005, 05:15 PM
Voltorb Voltorb is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 121
Default Re: oooo!

Fusion is fifty years away, I thought it was twenty. Ah, you're probably right. It will most likely be well into the next century anyway.

I had completely forgotten about agriculture. That one got me pretty worried last time a read it. I remember one quote that said something like modern agriculture was nothing more than turning oil into food. Even if all the farm equipment could run on electricity or something, we still need oil to make fertilizer. Must move toward more sustainable agriculture as well.

It's kinda funny that some ranchers don't know what to do with all their cow manure anymore, when just last century people would have know exactly where to put it. I read a recent article about how a rancher's pile got so large and so hot it caught fire. Stunk an entire town up. Anyway, I digress...
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