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Old 02-15-2005, 04:39 PM
thenlguru thenlguru is offline
Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: Sweden
Posts: 65
Default Have you been close to death and how did it feel?

Have you ever been close to death and how did it feel?

When I was 12 years old we were with family in one minor skiing center, I was going up with the skii-lift but when I was supposed to get out of it my jacket got stuck. The lift started drag me fast to the big iron pillar since i was pretty light. They stopped the lift just before I hitted the pillar, if that wouldent have happened I would most likely be dead now.

Still 10 years later I remember exactly my thoughts when it was dragging me on land.

"This is it and mommy I love you" then tears came to my eyes, no big white light or anything else cool.

I havent udes ski lift after that.
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