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Old 11-19-2002, 03:52 PM
LanceD LanceD is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2002
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Default Re: Record keeping site

It's very likely your PC will be hacked if you connect to the internet without a firewall or antivirus. Regardless of how you feel about AceAnalysis, do yourself a favor and protect yourself. I have a firewall on my home network (connected to the interent by a cable modem) and checked the logs this morning ... 12 port scans overnight, mostly originating from asian and eastern european IPs. They won't be looking for poker results, but they sure will be looking through your files and browsing history for cc numbers and the like.

As for us, why would want your poker results? We don''s why: 1.) We would be breaching our side of a contract--the user agreement; grounds for legal action at the very least. 2.) AceAnalysis wasn't created so we could gather information to beat you at cards, it was created as a software application. It is not in our interest at all to risk our customers trust and look at your data. I can't think of a worse marketing disaster. 3.) As I mentioned before the only way the data is coherent is through the lens of the application. We would have to log in with your email address and pwd to look at it and interpret it. We don't know your password since it is encrypted on the server, only you do. 4.) The app is only connecting your email address to the data. Even if we could log in as you, which we can't since we don't have the password, we would have to know your real name or online monikers to use it against you. Who knows the email address of opponents, especially strangers in a card room or online? 5.) Finally, and this reason may not mean as much to you as the rest, but the app was created by 5 guys who play cards against each other all the time and use the app extensively. We've been using it for a long time before it was even considered for commercial release. It was created from the ground up so that we couldn't get at each others data. The point is if the close-knit developers of the app can't use it against each other, how could we use it against you, a stranger on the internet? Again, online card rooms are far, far more riskier than this application.

I understand that a major hurdle for this application is the security perception...I hope I have at least started to address your concerns.
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