Thread: Help!
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Old 02-13-2005, 03:52 AM
jkinetic jkinetic is offline
Join Date: May 2003
Posts: 31
Default Re: Help!

Dear Felicia,

I think I saw you playing a few satellites while I was playing a satellite of my own, next time you are in town and I see you, I will formally introduce myself.

Anyway, I will break this down into 2 parts:

Cash Game:

You shouldn't feel that discouraged if you are having success else where and not at Commerce. In LA and Commerce in particular, they/we play at a different speed that takes "outsiders" some time to adjust to.

Case in point, one of my really good friends made money in AC for 7 straight years before moving out to LA. He could not win at Commerce for almost a year. It took him all that time to adjust to the "speed" of the Commerce game. And I have more than just one story of similar situations that would support my hypothesis that it takes time to adjust to the Commerce style of play.


I think this comes down to experience, the more you play them the better you will get. This is something I would like to work on myself as I predominantly play cash games. But I notice these tournament players, that will remain nameless, that sit at my table in a cash game, whether it be limit or big bet, and I just see them get sliced up.

And then I would think to myself how come they are so terrible in this cash game but then could probably beat me good in a tournament and then I came to this conclusion.

1. Their skills are more suited to a tournament style of play than a cash game. Which may be the case for you and me, remember very few players are successful at both. This is not to discourage anyone from trying to be successful at both but that the record shows that few are able to accompish it.

2. They have more experience at tournaments than I do as I have more experience at cash games than they do. So in order for me to reach their level, I have to approach the hours invested in tournament play as they have.

This leads to my theory why these YG's(Young Guns) have been having so much success at tournaments recently is, even though they are young in age, but because of the number of tournaments online, they are long in tooth in terms of tournament experience.

On a side note, because they play in front of a computer all the time, they tend to lack the "feel" necessary to win in B&M cash games.

Final Note:

My unsubstantiated feel on your play is that you probably fall on the weak tight side, which seems to be prevalent amongst a lot of 2+2ers I notice. That was the problem with my friend that I had mentioned from AC, he was admittly weak tight, because that style of play was good enough to get the money in AC.

Obviously whatever style you have developed has had success, but that is not to say it will have success in any type of game.

See to me, what separates the players from those that play is the ability to change gears. That means cash games or tournaments.

I hope my insight helped.

Good luck.
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