Thread: Help!
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Old 02-12-2005, 11:17 AM
fnord_too fnord_too is offline
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Default Re: Help!

How well do you understand and work on tournament theory stuff? This may sound trite, but in the middle to late stages of tournaments, decisions diverge more and more from ring game decisions, and making these changes is extremely important. It sounds like you err on the side of passivity from your post (not value betting, etc.) Aggression is of paramount importance in tournaments, and if you are not playing aggressively enough you are just going to get killed.

My suggestion (ont the tournament side) is along the lines of some others: Play a lot of low buy in tournaments on line. Stars has lots of limit tournies for various games. Game type does not matter so much. Four no limit, there I would recommend playing at one site until comfortable then trying another site, since the tournaments play significantly different on different sites. Also, post hands in the MTT forum.

For ring game stuff: You said Ray Zee declined, did you ask him if he could reccomend someone? I think the other suggestions of playing at a level where the money doesn't matter to work on your aggression are good. Of course the obvious caveat is that as you move back up you are going to have to readjust dramaticaly. But on the up side, playing in many differt styles of game has got to help with adjusting to the specific mix of people involved in any specific hand you are playing, and adjusting to table conditions dynamicly is a skill that is necessary to beat the biggest games (from what I've heard, I pretty much only play on line and only up to the 15/30 level there, and that's limit HE, not stud, so take my ring game advice with a grain of salt.)
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