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Old 02-12-2005, 10:43 AM
fnord_too fnord_too is offline
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Default Re: Stud/8 Multi hand

Interesting hand. I'm curious as to what Andy B will say. Tough decisions on a lot of streets. Places where I see other plays possible (though I don't know what I do in any of them):

Bring it in for a full bet. As it turns out, that makes this hand play much easier. There are a lot of duplicated low cards, but most people will back off a three card rough low here on third street. The ace is scary, but you can gt away from your hand on third or fourth street if it raises. I think I like brining this in for a full bet, but that is something I don't do enough in stud/8.

6th street: I think I just check behind here, but I think betting is ok, too, since no one likes their hand enough to bet it. The reason I lean towards checking is I don't think you have enough folding equity. If two just made a rough low he's not going anywhere, and three probably isn't folding with potentially the best high hand.

River - I think that is a fold. I can't see him value betting a pair of sixes or a rough low there, so I think he has at least two pair.
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