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Old 02-12-2005, 09:44 AM
tek tek is offline
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Default Re: RFID Tags Not Just For Kiddies

Restrictions on freedom and privacy have always foreshadowed despotism. Technology i snow making it easier for the few to control the masses.

Rental cars have chips in them enabling the rental company to disable the car if you speed.

The new ID's will enable the nazis to shut us down. One input into the database and any activity requiring ID will be off limits until you pay the parking ticket or whatever.

They will also be able to track you everywhere you go like a dog or cat.

The excuse is the attack on the trade towers, but that's a lie because the CIA operatives that hijacked the planes had valid ID's.

Having valid new ID's won't stop someone from being a real terrorist or CIA operative terrorist.

Also, the attack on New York was coordinated by the Bushes, CIA and Mossad for the purpose of providing anexcuse to invade Afghanistan, Iraq and to take away our freedom and privacy.

The world is becoming a plantation. A few % of the population can now control the majority.
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