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Old 02-10-2005, 09:13 PM
bholdr bholdr is offline
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Default sound tactics?

a buddy gave me a tip that sounds like a good cover tactic; instead of raising his bets as soon as the count was enough in his favor, he'd wait till he got a lucky win- say hit on a 16 and pulled a 4 or 5, for example, and then announce that he was 'gonna let it ride'. (or an unlucky beat, same thing 'i'm gonna get it back'). he'd never lower the bet, he'd take a break after the shoe was done and hit another table later, etc. (i happen to know that he never really made much, but the tactic seems sound)

are these common cover tactics? do they work? usually when i go to a casino, i'm there for fun with freinds, and don't mind paying .39% to the casino, but i'm interested in learning how to count, as a new challenge, but i'd rather not be booted out in front of my buds, and don't to get them in trouble by association.

btw, do they generally throw counters out of the casino, or just say "no more BJ for you, pal."?
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