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Old 02-09-2005, 12:24 AM
Cory Neely Cory Neely is offline
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: okc, ok
Posts: 97
Default Cherokee casino trip report !(sat 2-5-04) LONG! EXCITING! PICS!

A friend and I decided after waiting and waiting for card rooms to open in OKC to skip the wait and finally go to Tulsa. After a 1hr 45min drive we arrived.

My first impression on the casino was the size. Its 80k square ft which isnt big compared to vegas or anything but its the biggest casino ive ever been able to legally gamble in.

Chris and I (Cory) called on the way there and asked about the games and how busy they were and the guy told us there would be about a 1 hour wait but we could get on the waiting list. I put us both on the list and when we got there (30 minutes later) the guy at the poker desk told us we werent on the list. ANGRY! I asked how long the wait was and he said 2 hours and we both decided we were hungry so we put our names on the list and went to pizza hut which was across the street. About an hour later we went back to walk around and railbird. We loaded up on Mt. Dew and watched a little bit of holdem and stud. I started to get a little sick from the excitement of watching the people and knowing how much I was going to rape the games. I watched a few more hands and went back to check the list. We were almost next so I went into the pit and walked around the tables and stood by the guy that was announcing names. I began to get really really sick then. I was watching the worst poker play I have ever seen and knew it was paradise. All the sudden my ass felt as though it was going to blow up. The bad thing was I was next on the list. 2 choices here! Crap my pants and get a seat or go poo and lose it! I leaned over sideways in my seat and told Chris to stand on my cheeks but no later than I said that the guy told me my seat was ready. PHEW! I ran to the table, threw $100 down, and ran to the bathroom! No details here, just imagine the bathroom scene from Dumb and Dumber.

When I finally started playing I felt right at home. It was a 4/8 game that played picture perfect. I played almost straight Lee Jones style and cleaned up about $130 in my first session (about 3 hours) and $140 in my second (about 5). Chris did about the same. The players were easy to put on hands and had the easiest tells you can imagine. I remeber one hand where I made the nut ace high flush on the turn and the guy made the nut boat on the river and complained because I didnt pay him off when he jumped like the river electricuted him (exagerated but you know what I mean) when it hit. A few good players played but they were easy to spot. I was almost tempted to ask if any 2+2ers were there.

One of the first hands I had was 22 on the button. It was almost a family pot called around to me with the exception of 2 people (9 handed). I called and the flop hit a23 rainbow. SB bet and 4 callers to me and the rest fold. 6 in the hand. This was tough but I had a feeling anyone with an ace would stay until the river and anyone with a draw would stay in so I called to checkraise the turn if a 4 or 5 didnt hit. To my amazement a 3 hit the turn. SWEET! I knew one guy had a 3 since he sat up a little and looked at his chips so I waited for the betting to come to me
sb checks , guy with 3 bet, call, call, fold, me:raise, sb fold, guy with 3 rr, call, call, me:rr, call, call, call
the river was a 4! sweet since I bet one made the straight!
one guy folded from the river betting and it was capped from there. That was a huge pot for me. I knew no one else had a better boat just from the tells they displayed.

I had a few hands like this but they are rare. 22 was the most frequent hand I had all night it seemed (6 times!). I played only a few times though. Another time I actually made trips with it on the flop and a guy hit a runner runner flush with a raising war which I expected to happen a few times during the night so I didnt let it effect my future play.

Im going to try to post a pic or 2 now and if anyone has any questions about the play of the tables you can ask and I will answer!

Us after our first session:

guy on left in blue is me (Cory)
guy on right with blue hair (Chris)
sorry for quality (secretly taken with camera phone)
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