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Old 02-08-2005, 10:25 PM
RydenStoompala RydenStoompala is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2003
Posts: 261
Default Is NO LIMIT the new King of Hold\'em?

Grinding it out at a $10-$20 game last night I noticed that the card room atmosphere has definitely changed. In a 20 table room there was 1 10-20 and 1 20-40. There were a dozen low-limit games and then there was the REAL games. The three tables spreading no-limit were packed and drawing a lot of attention. At the $500 buy-in right next to us, the dominant player was "coloring up" for greens and blacks because he couldn't count the reds. I did a quick count and guessed he was up about $7 thousand with new people jumping into the game against him every time someone busted out. It was insane. I saw three consecutive pots with + $1,500 in them. Sweet!

I'm noticing there are more and more NL games in the B+M rooms. Is this where the trend is going? Is limit becoming a bore?
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