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Old 02-08-2005, 02:05 PM
cardcounter0 cardcounter0 is offline
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Default Re: Is counting worth it

Now you are talking about the "game within the game".

1) If you are betting modestly, you have a less chance of getting noticed. If you have idiots betting $100-$500 a hand, they don't care about the guy betting $25 and sometimes betting $50.

2) Keep sessions short - hit and run. Hard for them to figure out what you are doing if you only play for 20 minutes.

3) Move around. Don't sit at one table for hours where you are noticed. Play a shoe at one table, move to a different pit with a different pit boss, and play another.

4) Hit different shifts. Play 20 minutes with the day shift, and then after shift change play another 20. Weekend shift, day shift, night shift. Lots of time in one casino, but never the same faces twice.

5) Have a good act. Be friendly. Be a good customer. Nasty mean people with an attitude get backed off quicker than everybody's friend.

6) Learn some camo. For instance, in the case of Insurance, in some games it is profitable to simply take insurance every time. No eyebrows raised, you always take insurance (the profit comes into the fact that when you should be taking insurance, you are insuring a big bet, when you shouldn't have taken insurance, it is a small bet so no big loss).

Casinos have a tendency to judge a book by it's cover. So learn what they are looking for and do the opposite. If you look like a counter and act like a counter -- you are a counter. If you don't look like a counter and don't act like a counter -- they overlook what you are actually doing and betting.
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