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Old 02-04-2005, 02:17 AM
pokerswami pokerswami is offline
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Default Re: MEMPHIS > New Local Poker Site

Geez, Man. There must be at least some cops who can read.

You should start a forum seeking attorneys who could write a properly worded amendment to the state constitution that would allow legal, business run cardrooms that could rake and/or time charge the game, at their option.

Once you get every possible base covered, such as a provision that a school or religious house of worship moving to within a certain distance of a game would not cause a loss of license, then you could start a petition drive to get it on the ballot to amend the constitution. You should try to cover every base because you know that local governments will try to prevent the rooms in their jurisdictions. There should be no local option, and they must be allowed to serve alcohol and stay open 24/7.

It will take years, but it would be a real public service on your part.

I have spent hundreds of hours in underground, smoke-filled cardrooms in Tennessee, and the rake can be ridiculously high, plus there is always the risk of getting busted.
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