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Old 02-02-2005, 11:56 AM
lucas9000 lucas9000 is offline
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Default Re: Best Hum Album... ***WARNING - MARGINAL POKER CONTENT***

Also, not to downright ASK for my thread to go off-coarse, but what would you think of a guy if you walked into his house, saw a stack of roughly 15-20 poker books and one book on card manipulation mixed in there? Assuming you know him at least as well as you guys know me, which I don't know how much that says, would you believe him when he said it's so he can spot a cheat and not so he can cheat himself? Isn't it only responsible for him if he's going to play in random home games and 'social' clubs?

[/ QUOTE ]

depending on my impression of the guy, i'd be inclined to believe him. i've read on cheating methods like base-dealing, etc online so i to at least know what to look out for. it's a legitimate concern, imo, even if you never end up encountering a cheat.
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