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Old 02-02-2005, 11:12 AM
crockett crockett is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 394
Default Re: bad 3/6 players and $20 SNGs

I have the exact same problem.

I tried tracking fish for awhile but I got frustrated because I would always find 2-8 of them online but they would be scattered all over creation. A couple at SNG's, a couple playing MTT's, one at level lower I'm playing at and another 2 at level higher than I'm at, etc. I just got fed up with it and I no longer use my buddy list.

It is shocking how many times you see a complete donator (I was using >70% Vp$ip as my filter) at a 5/10 table two days after you discovered him on a 1/2 table. Not really I guess, this type of behavior is very typical of hard core gamblers.
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