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Old 02-01-2005, 04:28 PM
crockett crockett is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 394
Default Re: Party Poker\'s Long Term Health

Look, I don't think the sky is falling. I'm not trying to say that tomorrow you will wake up and "poof" Poker will be gone.

What I am saying is that I believe in five years the numbers we see playing poker now will be greatly reduced. That is all plain and simple.

And yes if it makes you feel superior by stating the obvious I did completely pull that number out of the air and it is simply just an opinion and a guess that I can back up with no fact whatsoever. It is only based on experience.

You mentioned most or everything I said was wrong but I missed your facts or links to back up your opinion. Or were you just being like me? Oh, I hope not, you wouldn't be like me...especially as much as you look down on me.

Also, you might find a very interesting article located right here on these forums. I don't want to mis-summarize it but it talks about how the publishers of 2+2 feel there is good chance that the "book-boom" is fading or will shortly. I'm willing to bet they don't have any hard evidence or facts but are just forming this opinion based on their current knowlege and past experiences. Wether or not this trend that they predict can be tied to the "numbers" of people playing online poker...I'll let you draw that conclusion. I happen to believe they will coincide. You may feel otherwise.
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