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Old 02-01-2005, 02:02 PM
mmcd mmcd is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 441
Default Re: Just witnessed the worst part of poker

We (poker players) are in the business of relieving foolish people of their money. Just like drug dealers, the guys on TV infomercials, used car salesman, some religious organizations, most retail businesses, the advertising industry, the U.S. government, and countless other organizations. That is capitalism.

The guy in question here made 3 mistakes.

1) He played at stakes he could not afford.

2) He played heads-up against someone who was (arguably) better than him.

3) He did not acquire a sufficient amount of knowledge and skill to beat the game in question before sitting down at the table. (If he had, he wouldn't have made mistakes 1 and 2)

You are making the following mistake:

Failing to recognize that the consequences of mistakes in this line of work are often severe and the burden of those consequences falls solely on the person who made the mistake(s).
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