Thread: My take on FTR
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Old 01-29-2005, 11:53 PM
cnfuzzd cnfuzzd is offline
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 38
Default My take on FTR

I was a debater in both high school and college. On my high school squad, there was a wierd hierarchy. At the top were the best our squad had to offer. These people not only were the most successfull, but also the most productive, and, to some degree, the most arrogant. Never to the point of belittling those whose lives werent consumed by debate, but there was some definite joshing occuring, which was only reasonable since the people on the recieving end werent as committed to the event as those dishing out. However, the ranks of the "elite" were always open. I remember when i was accepted as one of our top debaters, and i remember when we accepted others. Sure, some people occasionally got their feelings hurt, but in the end, we would always come together, and remember that we were a team, helping each other out. This is twoplustwo. Sure, we point out when someone is stupid, and we try to belittle those who are repeatedly stupid. We like make fun of each other, and we enjoy jokes at ours' and others' expense. But we are also always here to help each other. We also, rightly in my view, are proud of the skills we have obtained, and are refining, in our craft, and happy with our "teams" success. We are always there for each other, even if it is only half the forum uniting against the other half about who the hottest chick under thirteen is. In the end though, we are a group of people almost universally rabid about improving our poker game, and willing to engage in fierce discussion to come to the proper conclusion.

FTR seems much more social, much less combatitive. I have never felt stressed here, but FTR seems even more relaxed. I for one dont like the fact that posts are getting discussed days later without the "correct" answer ever being labeled as such. This isnt neccesarily a bad thing, but i think the vast magority of FTRs membership is hiding behind a veil of weak-tight-dom, or at the very least are unwilling to properly engage in criticism of their play. I think that there are probably quite a few at-least-break-even players in that forum, with a handfull of really good players, but i think someone would be better served in our forum, especially since the "thick-skin" one develops here is usefull in the game of poker which can be a cold, mathematically frustrating b[/i]itch sometimes. But, they are doing there thing, and its really not funny, like the qlc was, so much as its just sort of meh. Free country, let em do what they want. However, i am willing to put all the money in my stars account on daryn.

Oh, and everyone should try to guess my FTR screenname. Its should be insanely easy.


john nickle
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