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Old 01-29-2005, 02:12 PM
Felix_Nietsche Felix_Nietsche is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 208
Default Re: How many arabs killed by Americans?

"Number of American killed by Arabs."
***American combat deaths are around 1100.

"Number of Arabs killed by Americans"
The kill ratios of Arabs to Americans are roughly 22:1. So the are approximately 24,200 insurgents dead because of combat. And approximately another 1,000-3,000 Arabs killed as a result of collateral damage. Then there is the collateral damage caused by the insurgents when they set off car bombs in the middle of crowded streets. I don't have any data on the number of these deaths.

"I appreciate human life so much,"
***Do you? Or is this post just a shallow attempt to trash Bush43. Mass graves with thousands of skulls are being dug up in Shiite sections of Iraq. Thousands of Kurds killed by mustard gas. Torture chambers which killed and maimed people are shut down. If you truly value human life, you should see American controlled Iraq as an improvement of Sadaam's regime. Were you upset about the Rwanda genocides during Clinton's administration? Were you upset about the murders in Iraq under Sadaam? Or do you only get upset if a Republican President invaded Iraq? My instincts tell me this is more of a trash Bush43 post...

"Why is so difficult for them to feel bad about all those lives lost?"
***You must be young. It is an admirable trait to value the lives lost of people you don't even know. But after you read the paper for 20 years seeing all the murders and genocides around the world, you will realize that there is simple not enough emotional energy to allow yourself to be so empathetic. In fact I would argue it would not be emotionally healthy. You may even realize that there are evil people in the world that have no or little regard for human life. When these people die, I do not feel bad about it...

"there are people that just dont care, there are people that even enjoy it. How sick"
***Depends who does the dying. When Sadaams murderous sons were killed, I was glad they were gone. If that makes me "sick" then I guess according to you I'm sick.... But these two men will not be able to murder others again....surely you can concede this is a good thing....yes?
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