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Old 01-29-2005, 12:50 AM
eastbay eastbay is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2003
Posts: 647
Default Re: empirical equity study

do all of your tournaments have the same number of data points? for example, does a tournament that lasts one hand on the bubble have the same number of data points (rows on an Excel worksheet) as a tournament that lasts 20 hands on the bubble?

if not, there is a serious flaw in your design. you are overweighting the tournaments that last longer on the bubble. all of your calculations are flawed, if that is true.

[/ QUOTE ]

I see your objection and I think it's legitimate in the coarse-grained results I've shown so far, especially for the fully averaged case. That wasn't my original intention for how to compute it - I wanted to make the discretization fine enough that you wouldn't have more than one instance of any given distribution in a single SnG except as a rare coincidence.

However, it's not clear to me now if there's a problem in using the same tournament results multiple times so long as the chip stack distribution for which you're recording it doesn't occur more than once in the same tournament. Thoughts? My inclination is that it's fine to do that. You just have to not double count in the same range of stack-space.

Which, in the case of lumping all of them together, means no double-counting at all. Oops.

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