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Old 01-27-2005, 02:47 PM
Oski Oski is offline
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Location: Los Angeles, California
Posts: 444
Default Re: *Almost* a fight!

The problem is that there are a lot of disrespectful, jerky people out there. One reason they carry on is they know they will not get their butt kicked.

I think there should be more asswhippin's (at least around the places I live).

Maybe if people learned to respect the fact they might get their ass kicked for being a jerk off, there might be less jerk offs out there. They might even learn to respect that other people exist and have the same rights as them.

Generally: Natural law dictated that the smaller person had to learn how to survive around stronger persons. All things being equal, if you had no use to the stronger person and there was a conflict, you were in peril. In other words, it did not serve you well to anger those who could kick your butt.

Now, of course, as civilized as we are, we have laws to foster community values and protect the weaker from the stonger who may abuse their power. The end result is we hope the weaker and stronger develop a MUTUAL RESPECT.

Unfortunately, jerky a-hole people, realizing they are protected from physical harm, tend to be jerky a-hole people whenever it serves their purpose. These are the types of jerky a-hole people that will do this, for example:

You are the only person in a deli and are waiting to order. The jerky a-hole comes in, takes a number, then insists he should go first. Even though it is clear you have been standing there, and the other person acknowledges it, he still insists he should go first because he has a number.

I think an asswhippin' would be appropriate.
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