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Old 01-27-2005, 11:20 AM
Felix_Nietsche Felix_Nietsche is offline
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Default European Hive Mentality Seeks to Bully Free Expression

In the USA, we do have freedom of speech (free expression).....for the most part.

In *OLD* Europe, they may claim to have free speech/ free expression but their politicans are getting loonier and their hive mentality is trying to force their moral code on everyone else.

Brigitte Bardot, the femme fatale actress, was fined in France for publicly speaking her mind. LePen, the contraversial French politician, is being taken to court for saying unpopular things. Those who do not like certain types of free speech are using laws to punish their enemies. Europe is self-destructing economically and socially...

In today's WSJ (2005 Jan 27), there is a story of a Iraqi man who wants to vote in Sunday's election. He does not fear possible car bombs but he does fear retribution on his family. But some people consider the elections to be an immoral assault on Islam so they seek to bully the others to obey their wishes to boycott the elections. Tell me....other than tactics(murder vs government fines) what is the difference between these Iraqi thugs and European moralists?

Let people burn their countries flags and wear swastikas. Who cares? I do not. Government needs to butt out of people's lives... But I fear this ban will probably be passed and set the precedent to stifle more free speech/free expression in Europe.
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