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Old 01-26-2005, 01:45 PM
buffett buffett is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: Graham-and-Doddsville
Posts: 133
Default Moving up to 2/4 limit

I started playing online in September 2004. Over about 10k hands at 0.50/1, about 30k at 1/2, and a lot of bonus whoring, my initial bankroll of $100 now stands at around $3,400.
Because of crappy play during my first 30k or so hands, my BB/100h was about 0.7 or so (I was up $350, or around 250BB). Then I had a massive downswing (whose causes include bad cards, worse play, and even worse confidence) of around 180BB.
Then I took a several day break from my near-daily play, read a lot of SSHE and, and came back ready to kick butt.
Over the last 7k or so hands, I am up about 260BB at a rate of about 4BB/100h.
Tonight I am going to play 2/4 for the first time online. (I've played it before in AC and Foxwoods, but never online.)
My psychological rationalization/mental accounting that has propelled me to this decision is that my winnings now total $510, and if I were to have a horrible streak and go down 50BB in my first few days (down to $300 or so) it wouldn't feel that bad at all since I was actually below the $300 mark as recently as three days ago.
My rational decision for the move is that, for 2/4, I have about 850BB in BR, and based on what I've read on 2+2 I feel like my skills are sufficient (though admittedly still very underdeveloped/crappy) to win at least a 1BB/100h. (Yes, this is less in $ terms than 4BB/100h at 1/2, but I feel like I still have lots of room for improvement.)
Finally, my decision to post this is twofold:
1) to invoke upon myself the psychological mechanism referred to by Cialdini as the "commitment and consistency" principle, and
2) to serve as a datapoint for others facing a similar decision.
Thanks for listening.
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