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Old 01-25-2005, 04:38 PM
Bodhi Bodhi is offline
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Location: Berkeley, California
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Default Re: adjusting to loose home games

No, I don't take that as condescending. I just added that bit because a lot of the time I post at 2+2 and people interpret my language in the most uncharitable way possible.

We play on average once a week. I'll go even more conservative and say 25 hands per hour (you have to be patient to play with these guys), and say we average 100 hands per session. If we've played 28 sessions that makes 2800 hands, so that's not a huge number but it's not nothing either. I should also mention that I've played at a card club with two of these guys on multiple occasions. One is a rock in both games, but like I said, the other is a completely different player in our home game.

So sure it's possible that he's on a 2800 hand hot streak, but he's still the best player I personally know and I don't take his impressive results too lightly.
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