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Old 01-23-2005, 08:39 PM
MunkeyBznz MunkeyBznz is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 4
Default shortstacked at the end of a tourney

I need help towards the end of a a tournament when I am low on chips. When I have a a medium or good stack, I am playing aggresively and stealing blinds. When I get low on chips I feel like I start to panic and tighten up way too much.

Here is an example. 25 people left in a tournament, average stack size at my table is between 8k-11k and the blinds are 300-600. I have about 3000 chips and am shortstacked at my 10 person table. At this point am I going all-in with the next best hand I get? What hands am I looking to play since I will soon be blinded away? How does position factor into this? Should I be thinking of stealing the blinds with a bet of maybe 1500 or just get all the chips in there?

thank you
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