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Old 01-20-2005, 07:04 AM
daveymck daveymck is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2003
Posts: 388
Default Re: Dutch Speaks Out on ZeroRake

Zero Rake was said to have had links with Dutch, this was denied by all involved with the site, months later someone who knows him better than anyone on here has stated Dutch was involved, so it seems to me that the site was correctly called out by those here.

It was the people involved in Zero who sabotaged it anyway going on that Party affiliates etc were trying to stop it getting off the ground when it was not, there were no players and where there are no players there is no point any decent payer going over there. The concept is flawed there were many posts on why it was flawed at the time.

I for one am pleasded the site went under if its true Dutch was behind partly cos he was behind and partly because they lied about it, if he had a 30% stake and they had come out and said that yes hes a shareholder the rumours would have been put to bed people would know the situation and I beleive the site might ave had a better chance of getting off the ground.

However any new site is going to have problems the market is saturated and with the exception of Full Tilt which has had huge exposure on TV and links to many pros none of the new sites have really taken the world by storm, the fact is for the average 2+2 player there is no real reason to leave the big 3 rooms, even the prospect of no rake will not get me moved until there are enough games 24/7.
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