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Old 01-20-2005, 01:16 AM
lostinthought lostinthought is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2003
Posts: 306
Default Re: 11,000 Hands Party25PL stats check - comments appreciated.

Your sample size is probably too small to tell,
but I just finished playing 10k of nl$50. we can compare.

hands 10008 - comparable

VPIP - 20.07 - looks like I am a tad looser than you.. in nl I think 20% is still ok, as long as I play well post flop

VPISB - 32.52 - looks like I am defending SB more. perhaps this is a leak..

PFR - 9.76 - I think your PFR might be a hair low, although I have been known to juice pots in lp with drawing hands.

WONWSF - 37.37 - I'm seeing more flops, but I am winning more as well.. not sure how this affects win rate

W$SD - 48.47 - hmm.. maybe I'm bluffing at the river more?

WENTSD - 23.17 - not sure what to say..


flop- 3.18
turn - 3.13
river - 2.28
total - 3.02

so, I am considerably more aggresive..

my win rate for this 10k stretch is 5.24BB/100. not sure what yours is.

I'm primarily a limit multi-tabler who is trying to get better at no limit. Not sure if this helped, but perhaps someone could comment on both? I will reiterate though, both of our samples are too small to draw huge conclusions from, and from what I understand, optimal no limit playing style can be quite a bit more diverse than limit.

good luck
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