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Old 01-19-2005, 10:48 AM
kiemo kiemo is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 205
Default Re: I was accused of cheating last night

One time my father sat down on a table with me. I called him and asked him why he sat down at my table and he didnt even realize I was there, an example of how observant he is when he plays online.

Less then an hour later, as I am down about 30 BB and my father is down about 10 BB we got accused of cheating. How did our accuser come to this conclusion? I just won a small pot, our locations (the city that shows when you hover over a player) are the same, and there hadnt been one hand where we both saw a flop.

My stats from that table was like 6% VPIP and there was at least 2 other players on the table I never saw a flop with. So while weird it wasnt all that outrageous of an event, especially when we were both losing.
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