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Old 01-19-2005, 01:24 AM
gaming_mouse gaming_mouse is offline
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Default Re: Odds of someone having a....


There is no exact way to solve this problem without assuming that your oppos were dealt random cards. This assumption is false, though, because it ignores starting hand requirements as well as information implied by the way they played their hands.

Nonetheless, assuming random cards, after the flop there are 2 J left and 47 cards left. The odds that none of 6 oppos has a J are:

(45 choose 2)*(43 choose 2)*...*(35 choose 2)
(47 choose 2)* (45 choose 2)*...*(37 choose 2)

which reduces to:

(35 choose 2)/(47 choose 2)=.55

So the odds that at least 1 person has a J are 45%.

Again, don't put too much stock in the calculation.

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