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Old 01-16-2005, 08:38 AM
Leonardo Leonardo is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2003
Posts: 15
Default Re: The 2+2 Hedge Fund

Mr. Sklansky,
Your claim is quite simply the most stupid thing that you have ever said. I sincerely hope you are drunk, because over the years I have come to respect you very much. That respect is being lost by the hour. No one is a favourite to beat Warren Buffett when it comes to investing. I dont know where you got the idea from. I am quite sure you are not aware of Buffett's record nor intellect, which towers yours, Howard's and anyone other professional poker player. His business sense is uncanny. He can describe literally hundreds of businesses, there balance sheets,cash flows, management, strategy, outlook, factors which influence the business profitability, everything that anyone would ever want to know about. I for one know that I am a favourite over any poker player in the world when it comes to investing, and I do not have the record nor immense understanding of Mr. Buffett. I am very close to writing something that I will regret Mr. Sklansky. Please demonstrate that you are not indeed ignorant, read more about Buffett, read all the BH annual letters, understand his philosophy, his record, how much money he has. Even buy a Berkshire share and go to the next annual meeting. You will be astounded by what you see. Ajit Jain of BH will astound you with his intellect, which towers you and the rest of Las Vegas combined. He takes huge gambles on super catastrophe insurance contracts. He knows more about gambling at the highest stakes than anyone alive. When it comes to poker, I respect what you have to say. Please stay in your circle of competence, because leaving it shows your lack of understanding of concepts outside of that small circle. If you couldnt tell, I am quite frustrated. To compare a living legend from the most competitive field on earth to a professional poker player is just flat out ridiculous. Please, for your own sake, walk away from poker for a year or two and realise that the people involved really just arent as intelligent as you thought.
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