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Old 01-15-2005, 07:06 PM
Cerril Cerril is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 933
Default Re: Standard \'Please Hear Me Out & Help Me\' Post. Please.

You can really only say there's a leak when you find the leak. I'd suggest going over your PT stats and seeing if you're right about the numbers going against you.

What's your WSD%? Is it in the low 30s? Are you seeing too many expensive showdowns when you should fold the turn?

What's your W$SD? Is it better than 50%? If not you might just be suffering from some bad swings as long as your WSD is pretty decent. But you might have some poor hand selection among the ones when you go to the river. 33/55 are good numbers, but 25/55 implies you aren't going to the river often enough and you're folding as many winners as losers among the 'marginal' hands.

Now check your Misc Stats. Looking just at hands that weren't folded, how are they holding up? Are you +$ in every category (with 'show only hands that were not folded' checked)? How about your Won$ at SD percentages? Does everything line up or are some of your hands really just not holding up as often.

I did all of this during my 10k hand, -150BB downswing. I found some holes in my game (I was showing down too many high card hands) and I also found evidence of terrible luck (I was hitting my flush draws a third less than I should have been and I was getting drawn out with trips far more often than I felt I should have. I was seeing far too many hands fail to improve even if I had taken them to the river). The attention to my game helped me improve as well, so when my luck turned around I managed to hit the plus side hard.
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